4STAR Racing loves to support local businesses and being New Zealand based we have several that we will always promote and support.
These are;
GreenMonkey - A great supporter of New Zealand cycling, Green Monkey Velo provide high quality cycling apparel that has undergone stringent testing so you can be sure that GreenMonkey the ultimate feel and style when out riding.
They supply our team kit and our members will certainly vouch for the quality of their products. Check them out here https://www.greenmonkeyvelo.com/
And checkout our exclusive team kit selection https://www.greenmonkeyvelo.com/search?type=product&q=Four+Star+Racing.
Peak Fuel Nutrition - Another great kiwi company, not only do they supply great hydration products and sports gels, but they taste good to. They have a small but varied range and our members are really appreciative of the exclusive members only discount they provide to us
PeakFuel was launched in 2004 to provide endurance athletes with a range of high-performance sports nutrition products.
Our range is made in New Zealand to the highest standards with all natural ingredients and based on the latest sports science.
Our aim is to make high-quality sports nutrition at a price everyone can afford
The Performance range of products is great for anyone looking to increase exercise intensity and endurance through great sports nutrition.
The range includes the following
- Isotonic Sports Drink Powders
- Performance Energy Gels
- Electrolyte Capsules
They also provide free shipping to New Zealand and Australia for all orders over $69.
Check them out here https://www.peakfuel.co.nz/